
西天満 中村

Nishitemma Nakamura
カウンター正面には、四季が表現された錫板のアートを配し、 栃の木、無垢のカウンター、じゅらく壁と共にシックな素材で構成した。生け花が趣味のオーナーは芯の通った素敵な女性であり、 以前弊社がデザインした寿司屋のデザインをご覧になり設計の依頼をしていただいた。
彼女と何度も打ち合わせを重ね、ベーシックではあるが、 芯の通った潔い空間デザインを導けたように思う。photo:Nacasa&Partners

Nishitenma is a dignified city with many galleries and Japanese restaurants. As you go down the street, you will see an entrance with a garden in front.
When you open the door, a straight corridor invites us into the space
In the upper part of the seat, there is an L shape ceiling which is knitted seamlessly by craftsmen.
On the front of the counter was decorated the art of tin plate expressing the four seasons, composed of chic materials along with wood, solid counters, and Jururaku walls.
The client is a wonderful woman with flower arrangement hobby and she knew the design of a sushi restaurant that we designed before,requested design.
I repeated many meetings with her.This space is basic, but it seems to led to a clean and well-designed space design.